City of Urbana Water Reclamation Facility
The City of Urbana Water Reclamation Facility (Wastewater Treatment Facility) is responsible for protecting waters of the State of Ohio from pollution and is defined as a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW). The original Facility was constructed in 1915. In 1954, a new Facility was constructed on the same site providing complete treatment and designed for an average flow of 1.5 MGD. The Facility was introduced as a Tricking Filter system with Primary and Secondary Settling Tanks with anaerobic digestion. In 1973, construction was started on updating and expanding the existing plant facilities. The expansion consisted of aeration tanks, aerobic digesters, and 2 settling tanks for secondary clarification. This upgrade increased the facility average flow to 3 MGD treatable. In late 1991 through 1992 the WPCF received its next upgrade. At that time the N-viro process was introduced and allowed the Urbana WPCF to produce Class A exceptional quality sludge (EQS). Along with the N-viro process, a chlorine contact tank and a post aeration tank were designed. The Class A sludge was land applied to our area farmers at agronomic rates as a lime product.
With small capital expenditures in the past 15 years, the Urbana WRF started a new plant design and upgrade study in early 2006. After several years of design and planning, the City of Urbana accepted a construction bid from Dugan and Meyers for a new oxidation ditch plant with an average design flow of 4.5 MGD and a peak flow of 9.25 MGD. Construction began in September 2013. By May of 2015, a vast majority of the new plant was operational. In June 2015, we held an open house tour and educational event for the new facility. Construction was completed in late September 2015. The current WRF consists of two divisions, Sewer Maintenance and the Treatment Facility.
In late 2018, the Urbana WRF began design for a Solids Handling Upgrade to include modifications to the primary clarifier and secondary sludge pumping capabilities. A new screw press is being installed that will replace our Belt Filter Press.
In late 2018, the Urbana WRF began design for a Solids Handling Upgrade to include modifications to the primary clarifier and secondary sludge pumping capabilities. A new screw press is being installed that will replace our Belt Filter Press.
Septage Receiving
The City of Urbana also operates and maintains a Septage Receiving Facility with 15 registered haulers. On average, we accept approximately 4 million gallons of septic tank waste annually, originating from Champaign, Clark and Miami counties.
We, the staff at the Urbana WRF, strive to meet and/or exceed the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit limits to protect the interests and recreational uses of the Mad River watershed.
We, the staff at the Urbana WRF, strive to meet and/or exceed the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit limits to protect the interests and recreational uses of the Mad River watershed.